An Otherwise Magical Life opened at The Herberger Theater Center’s Kax Stage on January 10, 2022 for a 2-week run.
An Otherwise Magical Life began a 3-week run at Theatre Artists Studio in Scottsdale, AZ on Feb. 18, 2022
Theatre Artists Studio nominated me for a 2022 Broadway World Regional Award.
I was voted “Best Performer in a Play 2022”
I was the runner up for “Best cabaret/concert/solo performance” (JUST missed it!)
It was so nice to be nominated.
An Otherwise Magical Life is a solo show I wrote about my life. You may be thinking, “Who is Karen Burns and why would I care about her life?” A reasonable thought for sure. Well, my life has been unreasonable. Mostly. Does that make you more interested? No? Don’t leave! There’s more!
Some descriptions of the show used in advertising: I rather like them. But, I wrote them…
The Herberger Theater Center’s Ad in Phoenix, AZ
One Rockette’s hilarious, yet traumatic story of survival, success, brokenness, and how a ridiculous sense of humor ‘magically’ saved her life. Again, and again…and, again. Through storytelling, music, and a few pas de bourree’s Karen Burns invites us into her life, from an overly dramatic childhood spent in leg braces, to a narrow escape from the Golden State Killer, to life on stage at Radio City Music Hall and back again to leg braces. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be glad it wasn’t you.
Theatre Artists Studio, Ad (this is just one of many)
Karen Burns has: narrowly survived birth, lived through too many traumas, escaped from the Golden State Killer, bled to death and come back, danced with the Rockette’s, appeared on The Young and The Restless, laughed with Robin Williams, worked for the Yakuza in Japan, and raised two daughters with her original husband. Through stories, music, and a little dance, Karen shares how she survived, lessons that took too long to be learned, and how a wicked sense of humor saved her from it all.
There’s a story that involves cows. It’s pretty great. If you like cows. Leprechauns are mentioned more than once.
THEN OPEN THE REVIEW PAGE! Very nice people wrote nice things about the show, and well, I guess, ultimately, about me too. Please read the reviews! They give me just a touch of pride. I’m working on hearing the good feedback and not just the negative. I have little to no hope that I will achieve this in this lifetime. It’s just so hard!! Can you do it? Please let me know how.