I hear my daughter say “Where did my Mommy go? She never sings anymore.” If I could reach out to you, I would. If it was possible to see beyond the lid that presses down my heart, I would look to you. But as it is, I stay a petulant,…
Who Am I First?
A mother’s identity lost in the first cry of her child. A mother’s identity found in the first smile of her child. But years later when the novelty has worn off, who does Mom become above all? Someone’s wife? ONLY A MOTHER!!!!! A Maid. A Musician. A Dancer. A Storyteller….
Only in Innocence
Only in childhood can we don a fuzzy yellow Tweedy Bird snow cap in July…in L.A. and walk into a Hallmark store to do a little browsing. Only in innocence can we wear what peaks our fancy and be thrilled with only our perception of how we look. Tea parties…
Little Mirrors
Where do you find the reflection of God? Looking down: Baggy sweats, stained t-shirt, if I could see my waist it would disappoint me. Looking in the mirror: Dark circles, pale skin, wrinkles multiplying as I watch. The price of staying at home to raise children is paid in the…
The Next, Best Waltz (or I Keep Stepping on Cheerio’s)
I played Chopin’s “Waltz in C Sharp Minor” on our stereo today. When I was younger I could play that piece on the piano, if not flawlessly, at least quite remarkably. There have been times when playing the piano was vital to me. I recall working fairly hard at it….
How to Sit
Okay, I’ll sit in this chair and hold you while you nuzzle my neck and suck your thumb. Even though it’s 5:30 in the afternoon and I really should do the breakfast dishes before I start making dinner. Even though I just made you the greatest fort beneath the kitchen…
Something new.
It must be possible to do everything you ever wanted to do. I’m sure of it. I don’t know how yet, but I know there’s a slim chance it’s possible. This blog is an effort to sit down and write, to sit down long enough to notice my children, and…